Captain of Nothing
Aloha & Howdy, I’m Corey!
From a young age, creativity has been woven into the fabric of my life. Growing up in a no name town in West texas, I'd immerse myself in a new project every month, fueled by a boundless curiosity and a desire to explore new avenues of expression. Whether it was building elaborate dioramas for school, crafting latex Halloween masks, or constructing treehouses in the backyard, I was always eager to bring my ideas to life.
Despite my creative fervor, I often found myself moving from one project to the next, rarely holding onto the pieces I created. Paintings, sculptures, and figurines would come to life in my hands, only to be passed on or left behind as I ventured into the next artistic endeavor.
It wasn't until I discovered the world of functional art that everything clicked into place. The allure of creating pieces that not only captured the imagination but also served a purpose was irresistible. And so, my journey with Coxswain Dunsel began, a testament to the transformative power of art and the endless possibilities it holds.
🍹 Tiki in Texas?
Enter Lei Low, a hidden oasis in the heart of Houston where the intoxicating aroma of burnt cinnamon and the enchanting melodies of Martin Denny beckoned me into a world of wonder. Sipping on a mysterious cocktail from a Tiki mug, I experienced firsthand the magic of functional art—a revelation that would shape the course of my artistic journey.
From Inspiration to Creation
Which brings me to the name, Coxswain Dunsel, which I affectionately christened myself. It's a term that means 'captain of nothing.' Imagine being in charge of a part of the ship that seems unimportant. That's how I felt—putting my all into something that could change direction at any moment. Today, as I channel my passions into ceramics and other forms of expression, I remain committed to pushing the boundaries of creativity and exploring new horizons. Each piece I create is a testament to the spirit of adventure and the joy of discovery, inviting others to embark on their own imaginative odyssey.
Welcome to Coxswain Dunsel, where artistry meets adventure.
Thanks for being here,
Corey DeWitt
Coxswain Dunsel